Thursday, July 31, 2008

Politicians Apologized for Something I Didn't Do

This week the House of Representatives in Washington DC told African Americans that you and I apologize for the slavery and injustices their ancestors endured and for any wrongdoing committed against (or perceived by) African Americans in our country until today.

I have a problem with that. If I do something wrong, I will admit it. If it hurts someone, I will apologize. But if I didn't do it, then I'm not going to apologize for it and I don't expect the politicians to apologize for me.

Democrat Steve Cohen (TN) is the sponsor of the bill, which is a public apology on behalf of the people of the United States. Cohen and each of our elected representatives have better things to do. But they hope this will get them re-elected this year by their target demographic: African Americans.

Give me a break. This is wrong. I do not apologize for something I did not do. If these politicians want to apologize, do it on behalf of themselves, not the people of the United States. Does it bother you that they ignore government of, by and for the people until they want to blame someone for something?

Rep. Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick (Democrat from MI, and chairperson of the Congressional Black Caucus) says this is a "milestone in our nation's efforts to remedy the ills of our past."

Rep. Kilpatrick, give me a break. I have never owned a slave. And I don't know anyone of any color that ever was a slave. An apology is not past due, it simply isn't applicable now. Note to self: the past is past. Don't we have enough current issues to keep you busy?

I would like to recommend that our representatives actually represent the entire legal population of the United States and do something constructive, not apologetic. (If you need to apologize for something, esteemed representatives, why not begin by apologizing for what YOU have done since election? I am pretty sure you can find something to say "I'm sorry" about that doesn't have to include me in the apology.

My first suggestion:Stop giving citizenship to children born to illegal immigrants. Illegal immigrants are criminals, and you are rewarding them by giving something to their children so many people have worked for legally: US citizenship. Do something good for a change. Stop your arguing and name-calling. Stop investigating things that don't matter. And don't apologize for something I didn't do. Put "Take away anchor baby citizenship for illegal immigrants" at the top of your to-do list.

Illegal immigrants aren't going to re-elect you. Its time to take care of your constituents, who are registered to vote and are paying attention to what you do. As Bob Dylan said, the times they are a-changing. Watch what you do. Because we are watching.